Imagine... Da’ chosen background, Da’ chosen theme, Da’ chosen colors of your desktop. Now imagine it lifted out of your system screen & wrapped around da’ casing, with brilliant metallic sparkles, floating under layers of rich clearcoat.... like on your favorite dream car. That's what Da’ Doggi systems standard paint jobs create. We take listed pictures that are fashioned from photographs & desktop backgrounds, & apply them to your case, along with appropriate color trims in a way that is such a joy just to look at. Da’ shiny candy colors look so good you may want to eat what you see, but please don’t. You’ll experience rich, luxurious colors, brilliant metallics, & shimmering pearlcoats. Simply great looking stuff.
Picture schemes are created based on our collection of background pictures.
Picture schemes are created free of charge with purchase of Da’ Doggi system of your choice.
Picture schemes for custom built systems do account for 10-14 days of your arrival time of system, allowing time for proper crafting & drying of paints & acrylics.
Da’ types of paint we use are as follows:
"SOLID" indicates a smooth, even color: used primarily for trims.
"METALLIC" paints contains tiny metal flake particles, which sparkle brightly.
"PEARL" paints contains a "pearlcoat" ground formica additive, which is finer & smoother than metallic particles. Pearlcoats are similar in appearance to metallic paints, but generally take direct light for da’ additive to reflect.
"COLOR-SHIFTS" are paints covered with an additive that contains millions of tiny prisms, which reflect underlying colors depending on da’ angle of light hitting them. In practical terms, this means that as you move around your Doggi System case, it will change colors! We can also fashion pictures of your own special choosing, but you must be aware that trimming may be a factor in da’ creation of your scheme. You can email or otherwise get picture to us for fashioning.
We can match da’ color of your company logo with trims that are becoming. Da’ same applies to your favorite team logo colors, or even your favorite movie or TV program theme.
Custom vinyl graphics, lettering, logos, & multi-colored paintjobs are available at additional labor & materials cost.
"Please note that we cannot duplicate copyrighted logos without da’ owner's permission, & no proceeds are charged on da’ inclusion of a logo."
All custom Doggi systems picture schemes cases are non-refundable.